Läst 1382 ggr
8/18/17, 2:10 PM


FUTURE LITTER QUALITY CHANGES First off, these changes have not yet been made! This post is to give you advance warning about what is coming. PARENT LEVELS Litter quality is currently dynamically determined. This means that if you breed two dogs when they are level 1, then lock the litter, then level up the parents, the next time you take an action with the litter the quality will improve dramatically. OVERBREEDING PENALTY Similarly, if you breed a female say, 10 times, locking a litter each time it's born, all litters get hit with quality penalty for "overbreeding" the female. HOW I WANT IT TO WORK What I would like to do is to determine the quality score on factors like bitch/dog level and bitch times bred when the litter is born. This base quality would then not change even if the parents level up or the bitch gets bred more after the litter is bred. There would still be a necessary dynamic aspect to the litter quality score (such as pup stats, social/bite/noise, etc). This may not be a big deal to many of you, but I wanted to go ahead and give you a heads up so that if it does impact you, you can plan accordingly. Also, I am still open to feedback so feel free to comment. WHEN? HOW? I'm looking at trying to make this change in about a month, so plan for mid September. Any existing litters at the time of the change will have their base quality calculated based on current parent level and what their overbreeding penalty should have been based on when they were born to that bitch. This should make the transition as kind to existing litters as possible. Edit: The overbreeding penalty is not new. I am not suggesting that it be added as it already exists and has been in place for years now. Kopierat från Kah's nyhets post

Lillan (#506006) på
Strong Beauties Kennel

8/22/17, 6:51 PM

mmm… det finns en ovilja att göra något som spelare faktiskt önskar och istället göra något HELT annat som ingen önskar eller bryr sig om… 🤔

❤️ Värd 4 mus-ifokus - Välkommen!   <:3 }~~~ ( ) ❤️

8/22/17, 10:02 PM

Jag visste inte ens om att man kunde bugga kullarna så, lite surt 😋 Hoppas hon får tummen ur och lägger till lite rolig raser snart (som om jag behöver fler hundar)

Lillan (#506006) på
Strong Beauties Kennel

9/12/17, 4:07 PM

Fattar jag rätt; en tik ger sämre och sämre kullar desto mer man avlar?

Probipet - en mage i balans ger friska hundar och katter ❤️

9/12/17, 11:44 PM

#3 det stämmer! Därför tar dom flesta bara två kullar.

Lillan (#506006) på
Strong Beauties Kennel

9/13/17, 12:37 PM

#4 Vart kan man se den försämrade graden av kvalitén på nästkommande kull? Finns det någon mätare eller siffror som pekar på hur mycket sämre nästa kull blir?

Vilken lvl och färdigheter brukar man föredra att avla en tik på?

Probipet - en mage i balans ger friska hundar och katter ❤️

9/13/17, 12:38 PM

Gäller detta hanarna också förresten?

Probipet - en mage i balans ger friska hundar och katter ❤️

9/15/17, 8:43 PM

#5 vet inte om du kan söka i forumet efter det.

#6 nej

❤️ Värd 4 mus-ifokus - Välkommen!   <:3 }~~~ ( ) ❤️

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